Recommended Beatles Books
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Many Years From Now
Paul McCartney's official biography, written by his close friend of more than 40 years, Barry Miles, benefits from a wealth of detailed, first-hand information. Criticised by some as too "pro-McCartney" whatever that means.
The Beatles Anthology
The band's official autobiography, pieced together from interview transcripts, is (a) an easy read and (b) an all but authoritative history of the band. Weirdly, not much on Revolver, though.
Revolution in the Head
My copy of this is falling apart - I've read it cover to cover many times. The late Ian McDonald is an occasionally arbitrary critic - he doesn't like "All You Need is Love" - but his writing is compelling, and the "song-by-song" format a great way to discover dusty corners of the bands catalogue. Essential.
Beatles Sessions
Mark Lewisohn was lucky enough, as a young man, to be sent into the EMI archives to catalogue the Beatles' tapes and make sense of their recording history. This book is the one you'll see most often quoted in other books on the Beatles because it's so meticulously researched, and peppered with great first-hand reminiscences from session men, bit-players and Sir Paul.
10 Years That Shook the World
Basically a collection of articles, chronologically ordered, and in the highly readable MOJO house-style. Unlike my effort, these are also mercifully free of footnotes and references... Barry Miles' pieces herein are especially interesting.
Cynthia Lennon's punningly-titled 1978 memoir A Twist of Lennon is out-of-print, but this recently published 21st century volume covers much of the same ground.
Summer of Love
Here, There and Everywhere
Two ghost-written memoirs, one by the Beatles legendary producer, George Martin, the other by their now almost equally legendary mid-period engineer, Geoff Emerick. The books disagree on several points, but both are full of fascinating details. Emerick's, on balance, is the more thorough, and probably the more readable.
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The Beatles' London,
London as the Beatles knew it, with links to online maps and Google Earth.
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About the Author
How to contact the author, and a short biography
Influences on Revolver
Other websites with information on Revolver